Data Driven Innovation: What is the job to be done?

Published: 01 August 2018

For companies to thrive in today’s competitive digital landscape they must engage Data-Driven Innovation (DDI) which is expanding in importance of data in economic growth, social change and public services. Many companies and industries have already acknowledged the real impact of the Internet of Things (IoT), as more and more examples of IoT ecosystems emerge and implementations take place across different market sectors.

With the initial hype over, IoT is now experiencing a new maturity phase with early adopters looking at multi-sector integration and better data value extrapolation. It is the value of data that TD Global encourages organisations to discover and build their future on.

Accumulating data without freeing its real value is common and many organisations are not looking at what we call the “job to be done” (JTBD) by their data. To create a data-driven enterprise, TD Global maps out a blueprint that constantly goes back to the JTBD. This means each blueprint is designed for a client with their specific data, goals and future possibilities in mind.


Innovation is not always disruptive – and vice versa

Every innovator wants to be a disruptor, but not every innovation disrupts. Often, it is the small steps we take in new directions that create the best value and pioneer new practises. However, without a constant eye on the JTBD by collating only the most relevant data, your data value is undermined.

In partnering with TD Global and our data specialists, one of our functions is to maintain a watch on the JTBD and the outcomes we can achieve for you. Business intelligence (BI), Analytics and data management can help you to continue to innovate by giving your data and governance teams an enhanced perspective on how altering one process or function can affect others; and which will be valuable changes rather than aftershocks.

By plotting your course with one eye constantly on the JTBD by your data, you are able to use data insights to determine the resources and finances you will place behind those innovative ideas that accelerate good business decisions and therefore better customer service and experience.

As more organisations turn to data as a critical asset for innovation and future-proofing their businesses, TD Global believes analytics are the linchpin of your strategy. Where you have data analysts who can determine where your organisation is having the biggest and most positive customer impact, you are able to build on success rather than guesswork.

As data begins to drive more and more operations across all industries, the importance of timing cannot be overestimated. Call TD Global for a consultation on how enable data driven success in your organisation. We understand your JTBD.